Encouraging Mom Friends
Sometimes an encouraging text or note can make someone else’s day.
Two weeks ago, a friend sent me a “You are doing a great job…” text and it brightened my day. It was especially nice to get that note over a weekend swamped with kid activities.
For many families, the weekends become a whirlwind of activities for their children: lessons, birthday parties, carnivals, festivals, etc. If you are a working parent, free time for yourself may be scarce or nonexistent. You may focus on your children’s interests and neglect your own hobbies or needs.
When was the last time you send a mom friend an uplifting note? It only takes a few minutes to send a text or email, and your pal will surely appreciate it.
Next time you find yourself spinning your wheels or tearing your hair out, take a moment to send a Mom friend complimenting her non-stop energy, well-mannered kids, or another aspect you’ve noticed about her.
Motherhood is a demanding job, regardless of if you are working full time, part time or stay-at-home.
Moms, support your fellow mom friends! Remember there are others out there who are facing the same challenges you are.
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net