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Don’t Miss The Franklin Institute’s Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes

Earlier this month, we learned the origins of the Super Hero comic book at the new Marvel exhibit, which coincides with Marvel’s 80th anniversary year.

Allow yourself enough time because this is not an exhibit you want to rush through. Marvel features more than 300 artifacts, including some of Marvel’s most iconic pages, costumes, and props.

Life-size statues of Marvel characters bring the comic book world to life. Take selfies with your children alongside representations of Black Panther, Spider-Man, and Marvel super heroes.

We found Marvel to be the most fascinating out of all the Franklin exhibits we’ve seen thus far. The exhibition recounts the evolution of Marvel and its influence on culture throughout history: it tells the stories of individual characters including Captain America, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Strange.

View rare, hand-drawn images of heroes such as Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Captain America with his ally Bucky by the artists who first designed them. Learn about Stan Lee, who was part of a family-run business and became Marvel Comic’s creative leader for two decades, leading its expansion from a small publishing house division to a multimedia corporation that dominated the comics industry.

Sketches, props, and costumes celebrate the 10th anniversary of Marvel Studios. Interactive elements include the chance to travel through Doctor Strange’s mirror dimension.

Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes runs through September 2, so plan your visit this summer.

Purchase your tickets at or call 215-448-1200.  

Image: The Franklin Institute

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